Published May 26th, 2010
Lafayette Girl Scouts Cross the Bridge
Submitted by Colleen McCarty
Left to right (back row): Asiana, Madeline, Katrina, Emilie, MelissaCecilia and (front) Riley Photo Heidi Felt
On May 8, 2010 the girl scouts in Troop 32790, Asiana, Madeline, Katrina, Emilie, Melissa, Cecilia and Riley, were part of the 4,100 fifth grade girls that walked across the Golden Gate Bridge, in celebration of the girls' bridging from Junior to Cadette Girl Scouts. The crowd included troops from California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Texas. In order the bridge to Cadette scouts, each girl had to learn what scouts at the Cadette level do, who are girls in 6-8 grade; and participant in an activity, a service project and a personal activity with Cadette Scouts to learn more about this next level in scouting. The scouts in Troop 32790 learned that a Cadette Girl Scout has more freedom, greater opportunities, and more responsibilities. All the girls in the troop walked and "swapped" with hundreds of new friends as they took the 3 mile walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and back to their car. Even though Melissa needed to walk across using crutches, she earned a patch, swapped with new friends and bridged into Cadette Girl Scouts with the rest of her troop.

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