Published September 1st, 2010
Poetry Contest-What does Orinda mean to me?
To help commemorate the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of Orinda, the City is sponsoring a poetry contest with five age categories: K-2nd grade; 3rd grade-5th grade; 6th grade-8th grade; 9th grade-12th grade; and adult (ages 18 and over). Send your original poem, on the theme 'What does Orinda mean to me?', no longer than one page double spaced, to the City Clerk, Michele Olsen, at 22 Orinda Way, Orinda, CA 94563, or by email to by September 24th, 2010. All poems received are public record and will be available to view on the City's website after September 24th. The winning poems will be announced at the October 5th City Council meeting and sealed in the City's time capsule on October 21st, 2010.

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA