Published April 29th, 2020
Construction of new Canyon Bridge begins with sizable funding from Caltrans
By Vera Kochan
Canyon Bridge work Photo Andy Scheck
Anyone traveling over the Canyon Bridge beginning April 20 was aware that work has begun to remove the temporary bridge and replace it with a brand new two-lane bridge. The project is slated for completion by November 2021, with most of the cost being picked up by the California Department of Transportation, thanks to the diligence of the Public Works Department in securing the funding.
Originally built in 1936, the bridge was scheduled for replacement with funds from the Caltrans Highway Bridge Program when the first landslide occurred in 2017. A second landslide required the new bridge to be relocated south of the original, thereby increasing costs with a re-design.
In January, the town received HBP funding allocation approval for an increased project budget totaling $9,916,750. The HBP participating cost was $8,780,000 or 88.53% of the project. The town's cost came to $1,136,750 or 11.47% of the project. These costs covered preliminary engineering, right-of-way, construction, construction engineering and contingency. However, by February, design refinements, various set-backs and Caltrans funding delays resulted in a budget increased by $1,728,350 to a new total of $11,645,100.
Preliminary Engineering costs increased by $90,000 due to environmental monitoring, design enhancements and document finalization. Right-of-way costs increased by $50,000 to compensate for environmental permits required by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Regional Water Quality Board in addition to compensating for the loss of 1.26 acres of aquatic habitat. Construction costs increased by $972,000 and can basically be attributed to inflation and post-construction restoration, mitigation, maintenance and monitoring. Construction engineering costs increased $519,150 due to a revised budget involving the construction management firm and town staff's expenses for project management and closeout filings. Lastly, contingency costs increased by $97,200 due to construction cost increases.
With the additional budget increase, the HBP share of the cost for the new bridge rose to $10.31 million and the Town of Moraga's cost is now $1,335,100. The Public Works Department is proposing that Contra Costa Transportation Authority Measure J grant funds be used to cover the town's 11.47% portion of the total cost.
Original plans to allow through traffic on the bridge have been updated. Due to shelter-in-place mandates, the Public Works department has decided to change the contractor's work schedule to longer hours to complete Phase 1 ahead of time. With a marked decrease in traffic, it is hoped that the new schedule will inconvenience fewer drivers. Beginning May 4 the Canyon Bridge route will be closed to all cars, bicyclists and pedestrians from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday. This will permit large equipment to move freely and safely during the construction process. Only emergency vehicles will be allowed through the closure. Informational signs will be posted and more information can be found at:

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA