| Published June 10th, 2009 | Payday at Acalanes High School | |  | (L-R): John Sherry (Lafayette Rotary,) Helen Wang, Anna Eames, Person Lyverse and David McDiarmid Photo provided
| Four Acalanes High School students who participated in Lafayette Rotary's annual 4-Way Test Speech Contest received a total of $500 in checks last week. The Speech Contest - which is part of the Rotary Vocational Service - was held on March 5 during a regular lunch meeting of the Club. John Sherry, Club President, honored the students for the well prepared speeches and chosen subjects. 1st place: Helen Wang (Journalism) , 2nd place: David McDiarmid (Acceptance Behavior), 3rd place: Person Lyverse (The Elderly Connection), 4th place: Anna Eames (Community Service).
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