Published July 18th, 2012
Orinda Police Blotter
Check, please! 6/21/12 Someone tried to cash a check for $1,700 at Orinda Bank of America, and the bank declined. It's not that they weren't good for the money; it was simply that the person attempting to cash the check had stolen it! When confronted with the bank's denial, the forger ran away.

Read me my rights...6/21/12 A 20-year-old male with a warrant out for his arrest was located near the Orinda library. Police 'checked out' the man, 'read' him his rights, and 'booked' him on the spot. He was taken to Martinez Detention Facility, where, presumably, he'll have a little time to catch up on his summer reading list.

A midnight, mid-week bender, 6/20/12 A 25-year-old male staggering near Orinda Way and Camino Sobrante just before midnight showed objective signs of being under the influence. Police administered an alcohol screening test and found his blood alcohol content was .199. He was arrested and booked into the county jail.

Cross while crossing, 6/17/12 A 50-year-old male was yelling obscenities and making obscene gestures while attempting to cross Moraga Way late in the morning. Police determined he was drunk in public, a danger to himself (as well as to those with sensitivities to crass language and gestures), and arrested him. He was taken to Martinez Detention Facility.

Hit(ting) and run(ning Away), 6/14/12 Police received a report that a 19-year-old male was hit in the face, which showed bruising and redness. They were unable to locate a suspect, but when they do, the charge will likely be Battery Misdemeanor.

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