Published January 27, 2016
Burton Valley AIM Class Shoots High to Raise Money for The Hidden Genius Project
Submitted by Cathy Martinsen
Photo provided
The Book Bonanza is an annual fundraiser that has been a long-standing tradition at Burton Valley Elementary School. Every year, students from Ms. Martinsen's class collect, price, and, of course, sell books ... at incredibly low prices (some books are as cheap as 10 cents). All proceeds go to a charitable cause, and this year the students chose to support The Hidden Genius Project. Based in Oakland, this nonprofit organization provides Oakland (and surrounding area) black male youths with the knowledge, skills, mentors, and experiences to obtain and create technological jobs in this new, global, 21st-century economy. The whole fourth- and fifth-grade class banded together to complete each step in the process, and after three weeks of collections and pricing, the two-day sale was on. Classes from the Burton Valley community came to support the AIM class, buying books and dropping in donations to the donation jar. After the frenzy, the students counted their change bags and were thrilled to realize they had surpassed their goal and actually raised $1,439.21. The students presented a check to Brandon Nicholson of The Hidden Genius Project right after winter break and felt good knowing they had made a difference in many disadvantaged children's lives.

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