Published July 27th, 2016
Girl Scouts Beautify Del Rey Campus
Submitted by Yuka Akera
Troop 32450 members, from left: Emi Ross, Lily Namdaran, Merrin Morrissey, Hannah Johnson, Courtney Mercer, Avery Welch, Ingrid Navarrete Gonzalez, Alexa Gutu, Lauren Stone, Alice Ball Photo provided
Junior Girl Scouts in fifth grade at Del Rey Elementary, Troop 32450, decided to use its Bronze Award project to beautify the Del Rey elementary school campus by decorating the new chain link fence that was installed around the entire campus at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year. The girls installed 30 feet of chain link fence art - two six- by 10-foot blue, white and grey dolphins (the school mascot) and a large 10-foot blue and white "Del Rey" sign. As they graduate from Del Rey, Troop 32450 hopes to inspire Del Rey school spirit and to encourage others to continue to add art to the fence to beautify the school.

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