Published March 8th, 2017
A focus on Lafayette life
By Pippa Fisher
For all aspiring Lafayette photographers, there is an exciting opportunity coming soon. The city of Lafayette is running a "Day in the Life" photo contest, sponsored by the city's Art Commission.

Photos must be taken in Lafayette on March 20, the spring equinox and is open to those living or working in Lafayette. This is the third in a series of contests. The first and second contests took place on the winter and summer solstice respectively. Plans are underway for the fourth contest to take place on Lafayette's 50th birthday in the summer of 2018.

Photos, which may be color or black and white and no larger than 11x14 inches, must be submitted by April 17 and will be reviewed by the public art committee. All prints will be framed, curated and hung in the art gallery at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center in June. A reception will be held at the city council meeting on June 12 with awards for outstanding entries.

Public art committee member Erling Horn notes that this is a "wonderful community event with participation by adults and kids of almost all ages." He says the reception at the gallery is a great mixer and also introduces the younger participant to a real gallery opening event with their work on display.

Horn points out, "The opening is one of the few public meetings on city council nights where almost everyone has a big smile on their faces at least between 6 and 7 p.m." He says it is the art of our citizens, sparkling cider and cookies that makes everyone happy.

Further details are available on the Public Art page of the city website. For questions email or call 925-299-3216.

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