Published May 3rd, 2017
Moraga pioneers Leisure Sport Triathlon
By Sophie Braccini
Triathlons have grown in popularity and are attracting the most fit, as exemplified by the very successful triathlon in Moraga in April.

But now the city is trying something new. The Moraga Parks and Recreation Department has created a world premiere: The "Leisure Sport Triathlon" that combines disk golf, bocce ball and corn hole, to be held May 27. It's based on the "Leisureman Triathlon" that ties together golfing, bowling and poker.

Moraga's new sport is not only an excellent opportunity for fun for adults of all ages, but also teens and tweens.

Moraga has the perfect setting. The Moraga Commons Park where the competition will be held has one of the region's most charming nine-hole disk golf courses, as well as bocce ball courts, and plenty of grass to play corn hole.

Clinton Calkins of the parks and recreation department says that when a resident came by to rent the bocce ball courts for a leisureman triathlon for a group of friends, the team took the idea and twisted it to offer something fun for adults in the area. "We have a lot of activities for seniors and for kids, but not that many for adults in between," says the recreation coordinator.

The day of the event, Saturday, May 27, is earmarked as leisure, but it is also a competition, and the winning team will get a trophy Calkins says its members will be proud of. The competition is open to teams of four people of all ages. The three sports will have equal weighing in the totaling of points.

The triathlon will be an opportunity for people to discover the disc golf activity if they don't know it already. Moraga has among the hills of the Commons one of best-designed courses in the area, according to players. The sport is played with special discs (don't call them Frisbees), and the parks and recreation department will provide players with some if they do not come with their own. On a typical weekend day, residents of all ages are seen on the course, trying to get to the baskets in three-disc throws, the standard par for each hole.

Calkins says that he hopes to have enough volunteers to guide the teams on the course and that the point counting will be on the honor system.

Moraga also has very fine bocce ball courts under the oaks and by the creek in the park. There too volunteers will make sure beginners follow the rules, and the town will provide the balls that are used for that sport. Teams will be paired to play against each other; the winning team will be the first at 11 points. Calkins said that teams would be selected at random to form the duels.

The third sport is corn hole, a classic game of throwing a small sand bag in a hole, something anyone can figure out instantly.

The competition is set to start at 11 a.m. and finish around 3 p.m. The recreation department has scheduled a barbecue lunch in the middle of the competition. The Commons has tables and BBQ pits where meat and vegetarian options will be grilled for the competitors' pleasure and refreshment after the efforts of the first part of the competition. Calkins says that Moraga will feed the players and quench their thirst, but that they can also bring their own snacks and libations if they feel like it.

The number of bocce ball courts available at this time limits the number of teams able to participate at 24. Registration ends on May 8 to allow the town to purchase the necessary equipment and food. The cost is $40 per person, or $160 for a team. It includes the lunch, a T-shirt, a commemorative glass, and leasing of equipment. Registration at

Disc golf will be one of the three activities in the Leisure Sport Triathlon.
Corn hole

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Copyright Lamorinda Weekly, Moraga CA