Published December 13th, 2017
It's a Wonderful Life starts the season right
By Pippa Fisher
Photos Pippa Fisher
With Santa's arrival on Old Betsy, Lafayette's historic fire truck, it became official - the holidays are well under way in Lafayette. Santa even had a police escort into the Plaza.

A large crowd turned out to visit with the merry man and enjoy the free refreshments and holiday musical entertainment provided by local youth.

Police Chief Eric Christensen was in attendance too with several of his jolly policemen who had a great time chatting with the crowd and allowing kids to explore a real police car.

After an enthusiastic countdown, the event culminated with the lighting of the tree on the Plaza.

"It feels like we are in the Midwest," commented Orinda resident Lynn Hogan, referring to the community spirit as she watched her daughter perform holiday songs with Lamorinda Academy.

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