Published January 10th, 2018
American Legion dedicates bench at Moraga Bocce Courts
Submitted by Michael Gilson
Photo provided
American Legion Post 517 of Lafayette recently dedicated a new bench at the Moraga Commons Bocce Courts to honor two longtime Moraga residents who loved to play bocce and who loved American Legion.

Dominic Sidari and Tony DeVenuta, both members of Post 517 had been planning to see the bench installed during their time with the Post to honor the town they loved and the game of their passion. Unfortunately, both Sidari and DeVenuta passed away before the bench could be purchased and the bench installed. Recently Drew Holland and Mike Gilson of Post 517 (pictured) visited the bench to remember and honor their friends who served their country and wanted this bench to honor all veterans and the friends they made playing bocce. The bench includes a plaque to honor Sidari and DeVenuta and the many friends they made in Moraga.

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