
Published October 28th, 2009
Public Forum Measure G

Measure G -
The Community's Continuing Investment

The Acalanes Union High School District has been fortunate to have a parcel tax for approximately twenty years. During this time span, there have been ups and downs in the economy, but nothing to equate to the current economic malaise. Unfortunately, there is no cogent state-wide conversation taking place regarding the reform of funding for public schools. Most additional funding from the state over the last decade has primarily been devoted to low-performing schools.
The high performance of Acalanes Union High School District students is in part due to the funding provided by the parcel tax. However, even with the parcel tax, the AUHSD budget has been reduced by over six million dollars in the last two years. Additional state education budget cuts are projected for next year. It is important to note that, even with the current parcel tax, AUHSD is one of the lowest funded per student districts of all high-performing high school districts in the state.
Effective local control of school funding is more important than ever. Recently several citizens have questioned the 2004-2005 bond refinancing practices of the district. In reality, those actions took advantage of historically low interest rates, shortened the bond payback period resulting in excess of 10 million dollars in taxpayer savings, and the paying of fees well within the average for similar refinancing. Another critical factor is that all dollars generated were used to pay for voter-approved projects.
Over the last decade every AUHSD bond and parcel tax has been monitored by citizen oversight committees, independently audited, and commended by state and federal agencies during routine, in-depth reviews as being extremely well managed funds. It must be mentioned that the few people who have written negative comments about the district's fiscal practices have chosen not to request or review district office documents regarding parcel taxes or bonds.
The Acalanes Union High School District is admired throughout the state and nation for its efficient and ethical operational practices designed to enhance student learning. I am proud to say that the exemplary programs of the Acalanes Union High School District and the K-8 districts within the AUHSD boundaries have helped create a positive living environment for the community. Parents regularly inquire as to whether a home resides within the AUHSD boundaries prior to making an offer to purchase a home. High quality schools are critical to maintaining a vibrant community.

John Stockton
Superintendent Acalanes Union High School District

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