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Published September 1st, 2021
Town council receives update on 30% design for Laguna Creek Restoration Project

Moving steadily along, the Laguna Creek Restoration Project update was presented to the Moraga Town Council on Aug. 25. Currently at its 30% design stage, Acting Public Works Director/Town Engineer Bret Swain and Associate Civil Engineer Mark Summers made a brief presentation outlining the progress.
The project's location is on the grounds of the Hacienda de Las Flores at 2100 Donald Drive. An 8-foot diameter culvert has been the cause of periodic flooding over the years, because its size cannot handle large water flows during exceptionally rainy winters.
At the 15% design stage the ADA accessible parking stall was to be moved to the front of the building to facilitate movement around the building, allowing for a narrower bridge. A decomposed granite trail installation will make it easier to maneuver for wheelchairs, strollers and anyone wearing heeled shoes. Additionally, new guardrails and barriers will be installed that are similar in appearance to other wooden ones already located on the grounds.
According to the staff report, "The 30% plans to restore the natural stream channel and expand capacity to accommodate a 100-year flood include: a 30-foot-wide bridge over the creek to allow maintenance, ADA and emergency access to the Pavilion; grading and off-haul of approximately 5,500 cubic yards of material to stabilize the slope banks and creek channel (the material will be deposited, graded and reseeded at the Commons Park "Back 40"); placement of boulders to stabilize the bed and banks of the channel; planting of the riparian zone in accordance with regulatory requirements; planting of the top and upper banks with trees, shrubs and decorative plantings following the excavation and removal of approximately 75 trees; decorative plantings adjacent to the Pavilion; realignment of the ADA parking, improved ADA access, replacement of the pavement and realignment of the sidewalk at the front of the Pavilion; and realignment of the sewer main."
A May 11, web-based survey of residents elicited 34 responses regarding landscaping preferences. There was a high preference for plantings that attracted wildlife such as birds, butterflies, bees and other animals. Also requested were plantings that bloomed year-round, changed color, had pleasing scents, provided shade and were native to the area.
The total cost for the 30% design project which includes contingency, design, construction management, administration and post-construction monitoring is an estimated $3,059,394. The full project funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, if approved after Phase 1, is currently stated as $803,331. That amount reflects two-thirds (FEMA's share) of the original full project cost estimate from 2017 of $1,203,311. Additional requests for grant awards will be submitted to FEMA.
The town council stressed the need to reduce costs in favor of the "must-haves" over the "like-to-haves," and accepted the update while directing staff to continue with the design up to the 65% level.

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