| Published January 4th, 2012 | Location, Location...Plein Air | Cathy Dausman |  | The Orinda landscape painting group at an old pear orchard in Moraga last spring. Photo courtesy John Finger
| When it comes to class descriptions, art teacher John Finger likes to call it like it is. Because of that the Orinda landscape painting class he's led for the past couple of years will likely undergo a name change from Location Painting to the better known (at least in art circles) name of Plein (fresh) Air. The class once headed by Pam Glover still has a loyal following. Finger, who currently teaches the class, says the group of mostly oil-based painters strives to recreate the beauty of California's hills, trees, nostalgic buildings, streams and bays. They have been meeting Wednesdays in the field from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for the past quarter century to do this. Most "come early and stay late," he says, and enjoy being outdoors encountering bugs, sun, wind and wandering art critics. The fruits of their labor will be on display in the Orinda Library Gallery through the month of January. A reception is planned from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. January 8. Shows at the Orinda Library Gallery are sponsored by the Orinda Arts Council.
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