| Published December 25, 2018 | Volunteers sought for committee and commission vacancies | | By Sora O'Doherty | | | Perhaps it is your New Year's resolution to volunteer to serve your city or town. If so, the following information will be of interest:
Lafayette needs volunteers. There are currently openings on the following commissions and committees: Capital Projects Assessment Committee, Creeks Committee, Community Center Foundation, Downtown Congestion Study Committee, Downtown Street Improvement Master Plan Implementation Committee, Emergency Preparedness Commission, Environmental Task Force, Senior Services, Transportation & Circulation Commission, Youth Commission. Apply anytime; vacancies remain open until filled. Application forms are available at https://www.lovelafayette.org/home/showdocument?id=456.
Moraga depends on volunteers to serve on all of its boards, committees, and commissions. In 2018, there are still openings on the Design Review Board (one opening), Local Sales Tax Oversight Committee (one opening), and the Park and Recreation Commission (one opening). If interested, applicants may go to the town's website and click on the applicable committee or commission to complete the application/questionnaire. A signed copy and a letter of interest and resumé, should be sent to the town clerk or dropped off at the clerk's office, 329 Rheem Blvd.
The city of Orinda is seeking applications from resident volunteers to serve the city on its Planning Commission (three terms expiring), Parks and Recreation Commission (two terms expiring), Citizens' Infrastructure Oversight Commission (three terms expiring, one vacancy), Finance Advisory Committee (two terms expiring, one vacancy), Historical Landmarks Committee (two terms expiring), Art in Public Places Committee (one term expiring), and the Public Works Aesthetic Review Committee (one term expiring).
The city of Orinda is also seeking applications from resident volunteers to serve as the city's liaison to the following local agencies: Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District Trustee (one vacancy), County Library Commission (one term expiring), and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority Citizen Advisory Committee (one vacancy).
Statement of Interest forms are available from the Orinda city clerk's office, 22 Orinda Way, by emailing City Clerk Sheri Smith at ssmith@cityoforinda.org or by calling (925) 253-4221. Application forms may also be downloaded from the city's website.
Completed Statement of Interest forms should be submitted to the city clerk's office by 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 4. Qualified applicants will be invited to interview before the City Council on Saturday, Feb. 9.
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