As a parent of three children in a community of competitive adults and children, I've tried to be diligent in teaching my children sportsmanship and how to win and lose humbly, graciously and respectfully and to know that winning is only sweet when they've known loss; health is only sweet when they've known sickness; connection is only sweet when they've known loneliness, etc. I've taught them to always remember to "check" their competitive nature, and be mindful and happy for the winner, even when the winner is their competition, because losing that day, was part of a bigger lesson in empathy and humanity which is so much bigger than the actual game.
Lafayette City Council had an opportunity to demonstrate that same grace, humility and wisdom, but the council members blew it. They've all run hard races. How could they not see themselves in Ivor Sampson? How could they not consider how they'd feel if they'd come in third place? What would their expectations and hopes be if the electorate had chosen them? Ivor is a person, a human being, with thoughts and emotions and was a strong third place finisher. His whole being is much more like the other Council members than different. By not recognizing Ivor as a valid replacement for the late Mark Mitchell seat from a fair electorate standpoint (31 percent ahead of fourth place), it's clear Cameron Burks' harmonious speech at the beginning of his mayorship was only a facade. We should have no hope that the divide will in fact be repaired under his reign. His "new beginning" is lost forever.
Kristen Altbaum
A sweet note of thanks
Thanks to the Lamorinda Community for supporting the Holiday See's Candies Shops run by the Kiwanis Club of Moraga Valley (KCMV). We're proud to offer quality See's Candies in conjunction with easy parking, short lines, customized gift wrapping and easy shipping options. All profits will be reinvested in local community charities, with an emphasis on children and families. This fundraising program, along with the upcoming March 30 Lobster Fest, is a significant contributor to the KCMV contributing approximately $60,000 annually to local charities, focusing on children and families.
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